Friday, January 23, 2009

Illusion of sunshine....

I’m perplexed …..the reasons obviously lie

For I wander again under the open sky

Painting images with paints dry

It’s the magic of her voice that tinkled my ears!

A reality or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

The spell has been cast….it took no time

For the mood is in swing

The whispers soft are still felt

The warm breathe can be touched…it still lasts

A sweet poison or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

She is unusually sweet…unusually profound

A miracle from the Holy Grail

An extract of the unsung Psalm

Not a mortal, she looks Celestial

A haloed stature or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

Innocent, bright full of charm

Bathed in love, attired in simplicity

The freshness of her voice

The ever loving perpetual smile

A speechless beauty or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

I have talked…. I have felt

Her acts in jolly, the childlike folly

The cute expressions in puzzle

Unexpected kisses to dazzle

An expatiation of perfection or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

Yes I’m perplexed! For I’m with a Divine!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The moments we lived!

Every minute a voice tickles
Reminds me of a reckless lover; you
Truly special in all ways
You swung like the waves, giggled like the stars
An epitome of freshness, truly a rock star
Indeed I have lived a lifetime, fathomed and mused

For you brought smile with every move
And I confess; the moments we lived are eternal

Your world of fantasies, follies
Amaze me even now,
The gaudiest moves, the subtle remarks
Every bit of yours kindled a spark
The jokes you cracked, songs you sung
Are the best souvenirs; of a lifetime that I lived, fathomed and mused

For you still ruffle in my tranquility
And I confess; the moments we lived are eternal

Still vivid are the days, evenings and nights
When we walked, swirled, laughed, quarreled and cried
Waited a call, expected a hug
The kisses we exchanged still feel warm
A soul draped in chastity
Endless like the Divine; in a lifetime that I lived, fathomed and mused

For you beat and will always beat in my heart
And I confess; the moments we lived are eternal