Friday, December 18, 2009

I'm addicted to you!

You bring me life, your bring me fun
The spirit inside just keeps growing with you
No matter what, the emotions keep swelling with you
All these days I’ve been looking for love
When the truth is I’m addicted to you

A lot of colors hidden came alive with you
The sun rose and hid, the moon shone and faded
It’s your brightness that lit my days
You give me the power the courage to keep going
With you everything just keeps flowing
All these days I’ve been looking for love
When the truth is I’m addicted to you

Your touch, warmth and kisses
Just like a child I keep embracing
You inspire me, fill the hollowness inside
With you everything feels great
You have taken my heart, I’m completed by you
You bring me life, your bring me joy
And the truth is that I’m addicted to you

Saturday, September 5, 2009

It’s a whole new world

It’s a whole new world when I’m with you
Unbelievable, uncanny, unpretentiously vivid
It’s your charm that sets the world apart
Drive me crazy; pull me candidly close to you

I feel time stopping by
Smiling, asking to cherish every moment
Faces around vanish, a sudden lull prevails
Nothing moves but you, even the air dance to your tune
I just see your lips moving; hear my heart thumping
Everything gets ravishing
The way you move your head, tuck that fluttering hair
Eyes so bright, smile so vibrant, everything about you feels so new
I stare foolishly, amazed at your sheer beauty

You mesmerize me; your fragrance enchant me
I love to hear; you have so much to say
I love to gaze; you look astonishing
Happiness is when I’m with you
Perfection is when you are with me
Everything about me is about you
It’s a whole new world when I’m with you
No one makes me feel the way, you do
I feel the only thing I can do, is love you
For it’s a whole new world when I’m with you!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Look past that night....

Look past that night when you and I strolled the unlit miles
Hopping across the pot holes kicking the empty cans
Laughing madly; swinging carelessly challenging the darkness
You were so bright that the moon envied you
I remember, you making faces teasing the moon

The wind was cold and you timidly cuddled in my arms
Your hair ruffled with the air, furred my face
So lost we were in each other didn’t care the distance long

The idea of playing games; hitting the lamp-post with a running stone
Your losing and getting annoyed at the stone
My laughter and your run behind me

It was fun and we cared for none, filled the emptiness with vociferous sounds
The way I goofed with the hit song;you like a veteran tried correcting the wrong
I remember your struggle to find the exact rhyme, suggesting words like a sane
Your giving up and both singing in chorus; the same goofed song
Still smile on, the way I bolted on the road miscuing a kick
Your cracking into a blast, laugh madly
We added a color of our own to the world, I see it all
The placid moments are so fresh, I feel it all

Look past that night when you and I strolled those unlit miles....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I only love being bewitched by you!

I don’t know why…I don’t want to know why
Sleepless nights bring amorous gifts
Memoirs get rich, vivid and wide
I love to watch you work in sly

I never wanted to look into your eyes
I knew there is glee…I feared to fall in love
I was the king of my forsaken castle
The castle I often strolled under the shines
But I looked into your eyes…lost my castle…lost all

I don’t know why….I don’t want to know why
I only love….being bewitched by you!

I now smile a lot…dance alone inside wooden walls
Feel my vein run wild…gaze floating clouds
Think only about the thief of my castle
Wish for her hands…take her under the falls
Watch her play and dance like the water.
Lie on the meadows green with the sublime matter

I don’t know why…I don’t want to know why
I only love…being bewitched by you!

I have lost all….the valiant knight I made has lost
The enemy I feared the most…has struck
She smiles and giggles…peeps stealthily
I love this intrusion…the invasion of my mind

I don’t know why…I don’t want to know
I only love…being bewitched by you!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Illusion of sunshine....

I’m perplexed …..the reasons obviously lie

For I wander again under the open sky

Painting images with paints dry

It’s the magic of her voice that tinkled my ears!

A reality or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

The spell has been cast….it took no time

For the mood is in swing

The whispers soft are still felt

The warm breathe can be touched…it still lasts

A sweet poison or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

She is unusually sweet…unusually profound

A miracle from the Holy Grail

An extract of the unsung Psalm

Not a mortal, she looks Celestial

A haloed stature or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

Innocent, bright full of charm

Bathed in love, attired in simplicity

The freshness of her voice

The ever loving perpetual smile

A speechless beauty or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

I have talked…. I have felt

Her acts in jolly, the childlike folly

The cute expressions in puzzle

Unexpected kisses to dazzle

An expatiation of perfection or an illusion of sunshine

Can’t figure for she sounds Divine!

Yes I’m perplexed! For I’m with a Divine!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The moments we lived!

Every minute a voice tickles
Reminds me of a reckless lover; you
Truly special in all ways
You swung like the waves, giggled like the stars
An epitome of freshness, truly a rock star
Indeed I have lived a lifetime, fathomed and mused

For you brought smile with every move
And I confess; the moments we lived are eternal

Your world of fantasies, follies
Amaze me even now,
The gaudiest moves, the subtle remarks
Every bit of yours kindled a spark
The jokes you cracked, songs you sung
Are the best souvenirs; of a lifetime that I lived, fathomed and mused

For you still ruffle in my tranquility
And I confess; the moments we lived are eternal

Still vivid are the days, evenings and nights
When we walked, swirled, laughed, quarreled and cried
Waited a call, expected a hug
The kisses we exchanged still feel warm
A soul draped in chastity
Endless like the Divine; in a lifetime that I lived, fathomed and mused

For you beat and will always beat in my heart
And I confess; the moments we lived are eternal